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Westport Public Schools aims to provide a cohesive and comprehensive curriculum that intentionally connects standards, instruction, and assessment. Our curriculum development process is guided by a backward design approach. Backward design is based on the idea that planning is best done by starting with the desired results. It is a design approach that results in purposeful thinking about curriculum planning from a micro lens, as well as programmatic reform from a macro level. Looking at the outcomes first results in coherently-designed curriculum units, performance assessments, and classroom instruction. The primary goal of backward design is student understanding, which is revealed when students autonomously transfer learning to novel scenarios.

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Long Lots School recently held an assembly to introduce the No Place for Hate initiative. Students helped to lead the assembly which focused on promoting empathy, celebrating diversity, and encouraging respect for one another. Leo the Lion was the first to sign the No Place for Hate pledge.

Read More about No Place for Hate at LLS

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