Frequently Asked Questions
Who do I contact to update address information, name spelling, and/or emergency contact information?
--The main office of your youngest child's school.
--Parents can update their own phone numbers, email addresses, and passwords for Home Access Center and from within Home Access Center.
Who do I contact for technical assistance with the MySchoolBucks online payment program?
--Benjamin Leahy, Dining Services Director, 203-341-2431
Who do I contact for technical assistance with School Dismissal Manager?
--Please contact the company directly via www.schooldismissalmanager.com or 1-888-275-6202 ext. 705
Who do I contact for technical assistance with Home Access Center or Schoology?
--The parent helpdesk at parenthelpdesk@westportps.org. Please include your first and last name, your child's grade, and your child's first and last name in the email. Alternatively, you can reach the parent helpdesk by phone Mon-Fri, 7AM-2PM at 203-341-1214